Chloe DeMore Unveils Bold Anthem Side Effects

Orange County’s own Chloe DeMore steps into the spotlight with a bang. Her first single, “Side Effects,” is a tapestry of raw emotion and catchy tunes that hit home. It’s a story of resilience, a reminder that we’re not alone, even when the going gets tough.

The song itself? A journey through heartache, born from a toxic love that left its mark. Yet, Chloe turns pain into power, her voice a beacon guiding us through the dark.

Her sound? It’s like a storm cloud lined with silverโ€”a mix of brooding pop with a twang of country. The melodies are rich, the vocals haunting, and the lyrics, well, they’re as real as it gets.

Chloe DeMore isn’t just another name on the scene. She’s a burst of energy, a raw nerve, and “Side Effects” is just the beginning. Listen closely, and you’ll find pieces of your own story woven into the music. It’s an anthem for the heartbroken, the hopeful, and everyone in between.

Mike Londan
Mike Londan
Mike Londan is a senior music writer at Mike is passionate about music and has been covering the music industry for over three years.