In this article, we’ll explore the meaning of Butterfly by Lily Meola. As of this writing, Butterfly is ranked 48.
Lily Meola’s “Butterfly” is about finding peace and hope after the loss of a loved one, using the metaphor of a butterfly to represent their enduring presence.
The song feels gentle and sad but also hopeful. It makes us think about love and loss, with a mood that’s both comforting and reflective.
In the verses, Lily sings about moments taken for granted and cherished memories like the sun on your face. The chorus, with lines like “I know we’ll meet between heaven and the sky,” assures us that those we’ve lost are never far away, even as she tries to find the good in goodbye. This part of the song really hits home, making us feel connected to our loved ones who have passed on.
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Meola’s “Butterfly” resonates with anyone who’s experienced loss. The ‘A-ha’ moment comes when we realize that through small signs and memories, those we miss are always with us, guiding us towards healing.